Our Bible Reading Plan is going on now!


Sign up to get baptized!

Our next baptisms will be on November 2 and 3! We will have baptisms at all 3 services. You can sign up at the link below: 

What is baptism?

Baptism is an outward expression of the change that has happened in a person’s heart with salvation. It is a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ, and it is a visible sign of who belongs to Jesus in the world. Some people call Baptism a sacrament, which simply means it is a visible representation of an invisible spiritual reality. For an in-depth explanation of what baptism means - check out this video and PDF:
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
- Matthew 28:19

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should get baptized?
All followers of Jesus should obey His command to be baptized (Acts 2:38). Baptism isn’t something we do when we’ve reached “maturity” in following Jesus - it’s what we do when we first put our faith in Jesus for salvation. Throughout the New Testament, baptism is always the immediate next step for a person who has crossed the line of faith and trusted in Jesus (Acts Acts 16:31-33). If you are a follower of Jesus and you haven’t been baptized yet, then we fully encourage you to take this step of obedience and be baptized.

What if I’ve been baptized before?
The Biblical pattern is not to be baptized more than once (Acts 2:41). Baptism is not a sign of continuing in relationship with God (communion symbolizes this), and baptism is not a sign of recommitting to a relationship with God (we don’t go in and out of covenant relationships). Baptism is a sign of first entering into a relationship with God.

That being said, many people come from churches where they were baptized as an infant. We believe baptism is for those who are able to give a genuine profession of faith in Jesus (Acts 2:41). If you were baptized as an infant before you trusted in Jesus, we encourage you to be baptized for the first time as a believer. In the same way, if you were baptized previously, not as an infant, but you know it was not a genuine profession of faith, then we would encourage you to be baptized as a genuine believer.

When should my children get baptized?
Children, like adults, must be able to genuinely profess faith in Jesus before being baptized. Some parents feel undue pressure to baptize their children for fear that baptism is required for salvation. But baptism does not save anyone - Jesus saves people by His work on the cross, and that salvation is received through faith alone. Baptism is the public display of what Jesus has already miraculously accomplished in a person’s heart.

With this in mind, we know that God can capture the hearts of our children even from a young age. As a parent, one of your responsibilities is to shepherd your child’s heart to trust in Jesus, and to discern when your child has truly come alive to God with genuine faith. Getting baptized is something your child must decide to do on their own. They must be old enough to meaningfully make this significant life decision, and they must be old enough meaningfully understand the spiritual realities of their salvation. For these reasons, at OneLife we generally don’t baptize children under 8 years old.