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God's Arrows - Friends of OneLife with Jeremy Simpkins

Feb 11, 2024    Jeremy Simpkins

This week, we had the privilege of having Jeremy Simpkins with us from England who brought a prophetic message of purpose for our current season as a church. As a fletcher crafts an arrow by choosing a stick, shaping it, sanding it down, stretching it straight, and oiling it; God also chooses us, readies us and pours his Spirit into us so that we can be sent out like arrows into the world. God isn’t just gathering us - He is shaping us to be sent for His purposes. And the way God shapes us is through adversity. If you are feeling stretched and sanded down by the afflictions of this world, know that God is using it to shape you and prepare you to be used for His kingdom!

You can join our OneLife Sunday morning gatherings via livestream at 9am and 11am CST every Sunday morning. Or if you’re local to the Bay Area of Houston, we’d love to have you join us in person Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 9am and 11am!

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to join us live on Sunday mornings: https://www.youtube.com/@onelifechurch381

Listen to more messages from OneLife Church at https://www.onelifehouston.com/messages

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At OneLife, we want to be and make disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our world. We are God’s people making much of Jesus in everyday life for the good of the neighborhoods in the Bay Area of Houston and beyond.

For more information about us and our gatherings, visit https://www.onelifehouston.com

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