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Anticipating Christ - The Day of the Lord - Brian Barr

Dec 3, 2023    Brian Barr

The Christmas Season is here! This week, Brian Barr kicked off our Christmas series entitled “Anticipating Christ.” The Christmas holiday is all about celebrating the coming of Jesus. But when Jesus came, He taught (to everyone’s surprise) that He would come twice. In His first coming, He was slain like a lamb for our sins; in His second coming He will fully deal with evil like a lion. Christmas isn’t just about celebrating Jesus coming as a baby, but also about anticipating His mighty return as savior and judge of the whole world. It can be easy to get caught up in the sentimentality of the Christmas season (which isn’t bad in itself), but anyone who has experienced suffering knows that sentimentality isn’t enough for a hurting soul. The promise of Christ’s return is! When we learn to root ourselves in the reality that Jesus will put all things right, we can face any temporary suffering with unshakable hope.

2 Peter 3:1-14 

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At OneLife, we want to be and make disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our world. We are God’s people making much of Jesus in everyday life for the good of the neighborhoods in the Bay Area of Houston and beyond.

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